
✻ at the Kasvitieteellinen Puutarha Emi gifted me with preciuos things.

✻ the sweetest twin-sister polaroid.

✻ on saturday we visited Valtteri fleamarket and the Designmuseo.

✻ in Helsingin Kaupunginmuseo we took a group portrait since Jacopo took the mamiya along.

✻ we took a city tour by tram 3T/3B.
♥ I really miss my sister - these days with her were a true blessing.
I hope she will be back really soon!
aw *-* <3
ReplyDeletexxx emi & michael
Vorrei abitassi qui vicino <3
ReplyDeletebeautiful! for some time helsinki had almost become Via Cufra!! <3
ReplyDeletehehe amanda, thank god not so much via cufra in the full sense of it (if you know what I mean :P )... but in a way ;) it was surely lovely <3
ReplyDeletehahahahahahaha. ;)
ReplyDelete)""": NON mi ha inviato il commento ieri sera...
ReplyDeleteI see you've got what I meant amanda ;)
ReplyDeleteaww no jacopo :( commenta ancora ;)