20 January 2013


lately the weather has been incredibly sunny and bright and that makes me hope for spring - even though I know the winter is far from over. we are gaining more and more minutes of light per day and the sun shines from 9am to 4pm now - which seems so much compared to December. these beautiful sunny days are usually extremely cold and even though I would like to stay outside longer I usually cannot stand more than one or two hours. yesterday was the day I saved for my photo-trip of the week and when we got out of the apartment it was about -26°C.
a few photographs of Herttoniemen Siirtolapuutarha in the winter time:

Mamiya RB 67 - Fuji FP-100C.
I was intrigued by the idea of going back to Herttoniemen Siirtolapuutarha - which I had never seen covered in snow. the place was indeed really fascinating - though I couldn't take as many photos as I wanted to: in fact the light meter started working badly and the shutter of my Mamiya begun not to function properly - so that most of the FP's turned out to be overexposed and two shots just black. I was careless enough to forget that some equipment can be too sensitive to stand such temperatures and that instant film can develop really badly when very cold.
I will be more cautious next time!


  1. io credo che avrei fatto la fine dell'equipment XD ahah
    non so se li vivrei bene i -26 gradi... per ora mi accontento di immaginarli attraverso le tue foto :)

    1. che bella cosa da dire, Emi! grazie! ♥

  2. So cold but still so beautiful!
    The sunshine has been really lovely this weekend!

    1. thank you, Sirpa! yes, the weather is being absolutely beautiful lately - as long as the sun is up and the sky is blue, I can stand the cold pretty well! ;-)

  3. beautiful photos polly! i really love how in the first three photos the light from the sky really is reflected in the snow. it almost looks like two skies one above and one beneath the houses :)

    and on a side note, i can't even imagine what -26º may feel like...!

    1. thank you, dear Joana! :-) the sky was really bright blue that morning, but the blue tone on the photos is also a common sign of when the emulsion is developed in such cold temperatures.
