06 February 2012

overexposure is beautiful.

a photograph may be described as overexposed when it has a loss of highlight detail - that is when important bright parts of an image are washed out or effectively all white - known as blown out highlights or clipped whites.
overexposure can easily happen when there is so much snow around - though sometimes it is not a mistake but a personal choice. I believe that overexposure is beautiful. this is what came out from my mamiya yesterday - after a bright sunny day full of snow and a darkroom session.
prints from a 120 ilford hp5 film:

♥ kudos to Jacopo for the two portraits he took of me - I do not often like myself on photographs.
in february the day light gets truly longer: I will take more photographs - despite the freezing temperature.


  1. Anonymous6.2.12

    I love these pictures and the mamiya *__*

    more mamiya please!

    1. yes! she deserves more field trips ;-)

  2. Replies
    1. thank you, it must be the snow ;-)

  3. Queste foto sono davvero bellissime!!!! <3

  4. i love the first one. you look like a snowflake! and the rest are great too.

    1. yes, the first one is my favourite too! :-)
      the exposure time under the enlarger was exactly right in that one. unfortunately, I didn't manage to get the other ones as perfect as the first one: it was seriously a matter of instants.
      I should get a timer soon ;-)

  5. Beautiful photos of a beautiful couple!


    1. thank you once again, Charlyn :-)

  6. so so beauiful! both of you :)
    i usually love overexposed photos, but these are truly special!
