13 July 2013

iceland VI.

in North Iceland we spent a couple of days around the fjords of Skagafjörður and Húnaflói: there we draw through the mountains in some scary tunnels and saw a lot of farms - both functioning and abandoned - lighthouses, cliffs with nesting seagulls and fulmars and dark sandy beaches with seals in Vatnsnes. I fell in love with fulmars and skuas as I had never seen them before - Iceland is truly a paradise for seabirds! as for domestic animals - beautiful icelandic horses and bushy sheep were a constant feature of the landscape. I remember writing a few posts ago that North Iceland was the most cultivated part of the country: perhaps you will find it hard to believe by looking at my selection of photographs - though the valleys were definitely greener there.
5th selection of my photographs from Iceland:
Nikon FM - Kodak Ektar 100, Fuji Pro 400H
Hasselblad 500 C/M - Fuji Reala 100
when in North Iceland we spent a couple of nights in a very warm and cozy guesthouse: The Lamb Inn. there we could enjoy some delicious local food and we even got the chance to visit an old farmhouse furnished with original antique pieces: we truly had a pleasant stay!
P.S. if you enjoy my selection of photographs from Iceland could you please take a moment of your time to help me winning a photo-competition? if you have a Facebook account all you have to do is follow this link and like my photograph. and please share the link with your friends too. thank you so much! ♥