16 September 2010

aurinko paista.

the sun is shining on Helsinki: my Jacopo is here. I don't want to miss a single minute with him.
✻ I wanted to thank Emi for her beautiful letter with surprises.
I miss her alot.

thank you Sylvie for your lovely thoughts!

✻ thank you to Francesco and Mauro for this wonderful collection of vintage postcards of birds!

✻ thank you Silja for your gift and especially for giving Jacopo the "permission" to stay with me for a while.
I am so flattered and I feel so adored. thank you all!


  1. *-* che commozione <3
    [però che imbarazzo la mia scrittura orenda -.-' ahah]

  2. mhaha ma dai. però la tua lettera era triste :(
    mi manchi molto.
    ti aspetto presto.

  3. wow polly!
    so many gifts from everyone!
    this is like christmas!

  4. Anonymous17.9.10

    <3 quante belle cose che ti spediscono sempre (:

  5. sì :D e oggi è arrivata un'altra meraviglia. <3<3<3
