14 May 2011

valtteri 02.

interesting old photographs I have picked up at the flea market this morning. the table of the old man with postcards and photographs never lets me down.

✻ it is wonderful to play the accordion on a small white boat.

✻ whatever this snow construction is - it looks funny and brilliant.

✻ this lady with books reminds me of my grandma - she looks smart.

✻ this may be my favourite photograph of today.

a couple of postcards that Jacopo gifted me with - they are both christmas postcards but we don't really care as the animal prints are lovely any time of the year.
when you haven't been in Valtteri for a long time it is always good to go back. I have also found a sweet printed shirt and a pair of vintage mocassins shoes.


  1. The one with the snowman is something unique :D

  2. absolutely! but it isn't a snowman... it must be something cooler, like a giant lion or so!

  3. it looks like a snow lion indeed! what amazing photos u found! i really envy u! <3

  4. hurray for the snow lion :D thank you amanda :)

  5. veramente belle. soprattutto quelle con gli animali *-*

  6. sapevo ti sarebbero piaciute *_*
