07 August 2010

PX 70.

PX 70 color shade.

✻ this is the first thing me and Jacopo got in the post here in Helsinki.

♥ the new PX 70 seem to be way better than the PX 100 silver shade.
Jacopo took this first one down at the harbour: there was a beautiful old vessel from Norway there for a ships exhibition.
we are planning to take plenty more: I have great expectation about this film!

✻ this is one of the PX 100's instead: it's me in my newly furnished bedroom.


  1. Anonymous7.8.10

    happy you ;)

  2. happy me with you :P

  3. wow on the film n wow wow on the room. aaaaw this is amazing.

  4. grazie amanda (;
    the film is very good (:
    p.s. when are you visiting the room yourself? <3
