01 October 2010


minä puhun vähän suomea nyt. tänään minä haluan kirjoittaa suomeksi täällä. kello on puoli yksitoista illalla ja minä bloggan.
from Miia

✻ isn't it one of the best bird postcards you've ever seen? it must be russian.

♡ Jacopo sent me the videos of our time together: I am posting one about our birds.

lokakuu means "october" which means that cold is coming: I have just bought for the birds some special food for winter times called "talvilintu".
freezing weather and snow storms mean hard times for small birds. the birds must fight for their lives day after day. while you begin to feed the birds in due time before the winter starts and continue the feeding through the whole winter time, you will get great pleasure by watching the birds playing on your back yard. continue the bird feeding until the spring has actually started.❞


  1. ah wow what a nice postcard n great video. how cool polly. good luck feeding the birds. october is sure awesome!

  2. thank you :D birds are taking away all my efforts hehe :D they're so many!

  3. Anonymous1.10.10

    <3 non sono riuscito a commentarti per primo meh :P ma sono felice lo stesso! more video of us please <3 (: and more miia visiting you also (: and of course me visiting you *___*

  4. more videos. more miia. more comments. and more you MOVING with me, pleaseeeee :D <3

  5. oddio le cinciallegreeee <3

  6. sai che oggin me ne è entrata di nuovo una in camera? poi si spaventano un po', ma io apro bene la finestra e riescono ad uscire di nuovo (: <3
