05 January 2012

lux helsinki.

less than a month ago I have built my Lamppöllö for LUX - Helsinki festival of lights. on the 31st of december Lantern Park have opened in hesperian puisto: different crafted lanterns have been hanging from the trees since then and will be until the 9th of january. I have visited Lantern Park last tuesday to take photos: that afternoon a snow storm was making everything even more magic.

lomography color negative 800 35mm:

✻ the 4th photograph represents my dear friend Kasia Balcerowska's lantern - isn't it beautiful? the last two photographs are of my Lamppöllö instead - which was proudly blowing in the wind.
if you are in Helsinki - take a walk in hesperian puisto before Lantern Park will be taken down!


  1. Lamppöllö is great!
    But what a windy day was that one!
    We were in the middle of a snowstorm!

  2. yes :-) but it was magic indeed, wasn't it?

  3. this is magic! what great photos! both ur lanterns r beautiful!

  4. thank you Amanda :-) I am very happy about these photographs too!

  5. that magical atmosphere, your photos have made it perfectly :)

  6. bellissime!!! le foto poi mi piacciono tantissimo *-* il nero è stupendo e fa risaltare benissimo la luce delle lanterne! <3

  7. grazie a tutte e due :-)

  8. so lovely, with the little specs of light poking through a vastness of black :)

  9. Wish I was there to see these beautiful works of art in person!!! :O

  10. thank you ladies :-) that's why I am blogging it, so that you can see it somehow :-)
